Monday, February 28, 2005

SoCal living

So I finally passed the California residency test, i.e. the driver's license exam. Pretty much everything else now is just paying money to the right people.

On another note, I found out I live about a mile away from where Nicole Simpson was murdered. It's kind of cool that you can go on a celebrity death tour while rollerblading around the neighbourhood (oops sorry - neighborhood; I live in the US now). Unfortunately, the new owners of the property had the place completely remodeled and changed the house number. Ah well.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Lil' Rumbler

I felt my first temblor today, it was just a little bounce in the ground, a lot like when you're sitting on a bench when a large truck passes by. It's the first time that I've ever been in a place where natural disasters are a part of life.

California is light years ahead of anything I've seen in Canada for digital integration. The quake was reported real-time at the USGS site, and according to this, it was a magnitude 2.9 centered a few miles northeast of us in Encino.

Friday, February 25, 2005

It's never enough

My boss is in Hawaii this week. Two of our clients are there, and he's out on business. Predictably, he's extending his stay by using a couple of vacation days at the end, and even more predictably, those two clients are pretty much the last ones he'd ever give up. The interesting thing about the whole deal is that we work in Santa Monica, which is essentially a resort town - in fact, the city motto is "the real life alternative," replete with white sand beaches, sunshine 330 days a year, and a view of the Pacific. While I'm still not over the novelty of it all, being only a two-month resident of the area, I find that my fellow Angelinos pretty blasé about their geographic lot in life. I guess as an element of human nature, "familiarity breeds contempt" applies to just about all aspects of life, be it the place to live or the person you're with.

Using an extreme leap of logic (I am an Olympian logician!), this leads into the obvious conclusion that in order to maintain perpetual happiness about your living environs, you should start at the worst possible location in town - across the LAX departure runway in South-Central, under a bowling alley and above a crackhouse - and move every two or so years to someplace ever so slightly better, e.g. South Inglewood.

By extension, the key to a happy marriage would imply the exact opposite of what most cultures have traditionally established by way of nuptuals - in that on the first day of their life together, the couple should look and act as bad as humanly possible, and gradually improve as time passes.

An interesting conclusion arises: does this mean that were the contestants real, the reality show My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance may have resulted in the perfect marriage?


Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Got new wheels this weekend.
What man can't resist showing off his new toys?

Monday, February 21, 2005

Big Brother is Blogging you

Can Paris Hilton get herself into any more trouble? It's one thing to have compromising videos of yourself leaked for the pleasure of the global audience, but it's quite another to have 600 or so Hollywood hotshots change their numbers because some hacker published them for all the whackos of the web to enjoy. And what is up with using your camera phone to take pictures of yourself topless & kissing other women?

Tsk. Even I don't assume anything electronic of mine is private. How naive.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Venice Beach in February


I've finally got my photos up from my shoot last weekend around Venice Beach. First shots with the 10D! I've been very happy with my two zoom lenses, the 18-55 and the 28-135 IS USM. Haven't had much use out of my 50 1.8 yet, I haven't had a chance to do a portrait shoot. Another project, another day.

Check it out at and let me know what you think!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I can't drive

Well, at least that's what the State of California tells me. I made only one error during my driving exam, and that was coming to a stop before I turned, with no red light or stop sign. I admit I was a little confused as to whether I had to stop since I was in a school zone and there were two crosswalks, so I paused just to be safe. This unfortunately was my fatal mistake - one must never stop at the corner on an empty road for it would block traffic dangerously, AND FOR THAT THOU SHALT FAIL!!!!! Yes, my gentle readers, it was a "critical" error in bureaucratic nomenclature, and yes, I will have to endure another trip to the DMV in two more weeks, hopefully to the tune of a more friendly examiner. Maybe next time I'll leave my tie off, (I was on my way to work) it may have been perceived as a class warfare guerilla attack on the part of my examiner. On second thought, there are way too many 17 year-old kids driving Lexi in this part of town for that to be true.

Maybe I'm really that bad of a driver? Naw, the bitch just probably didn't have her coffee this morning. ;)

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Signal, check, turn, accelerate

For the second time in my life, I’m forced to take a behind-the-wheel driving test to obtain my license. This Thursday, an agent of the DMV will make the determination on whether I am entitled to be a True Californian – since residency is so obviously determined by your driver’s license, that even those who don’t opt to drive must obtain an “official” alternate identification card through the DMV. To add insult to injury, I am forced to rent a Chevy Aveo for the exam and have my roommate accompany me to the office, since: 1) my car has illegal tinted windows and numbers in kilometers per hour, and 2) Even though my foreign license allows me to operate a vehicle on the road, I’ve still got to show up with an over-18 licensed driver, reasons unknown.

The punch line is that I have a tickle in the back of my mind that is whispering the possibility that I might actually fail the test. I guess I’ll have to suppress the Tao that drives 25 miles per hour in a parking garage to get out in time to save the $1 extra in parking that accrues on the hour, every hour.


Hey, I hope everyone had a happy Valentine's. I ended up watching HBO.

I hope all you guys enjoyed getting shafted by the florists of the world enforcing the ironclad law of demand and supply. I'll just bask in the glory of my digital toys instead.

Erm, I had some more pithy remarks to be published, however it's time for lunch, and my appetite waits for no one.


Friday, February 11, 2005

Rock and/or roll

Holy Jesus, do we ever get a lot of earthquakes around here.

I guess I better anchor that 8 foot bookshelf I got to a stud in the wall. Nothing wrecks a good night's sleep like being crushed by furniture.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Adult education

Nothing interesting, like photography, learning Spanish or basket weaving. Just the same old CFA story again, only this time I can "graduate" for good, if only I can get my act together and study!

It's an odd thing for me to undergo continuing education as an adult. School, as in other things in life, has a tradeoff in terms of time defined pretty clearly in my mind: you lose the freedom of your nights and weekends--at least during exam time--in return for almost unlimited latitude for scheduling during the day. Let's face it, unless you were an engineer or some other set-schedule program, you had your four or five-day weekends with classes essentially optional on the other days. The life as a salaryman, by contrast, affords you the luxury of living life during the free-time periods of most cell phone companies. Well I don't have to exactly spell it out, but trying to study and work at the same time just plain sucks. Not recommended for the faint of heart, or anyone with a penchant for socializing with other human beings.

About the only benefit that I get out of the CFA study period is the extra cash I've got left over from the VIRTUAL HOUSE ARREST I put myself in, although recently, I've been spending my future free cash flow from the comfort of my own bedroom by shopping for various crap on the Internet.

Aah, who am I kidding? Up until April, I actually only study a couple hours a week. ;)

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Gong xi fa tsai

To all the chicks and roosters out there, happy Chinese New Year!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Pro work

Karen had just commented below about how you can get into all sorts of places with a big camera and a business card. Interestingly enough the guy I bought a lens from just turned pro and is looking for an assistant on some of his shoots. Another fellow at work runs a studio part-time with a full-time partner, and also offered to let me assist. It's kind of cool to have a hobby that can generate some cash on the side.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Big honking camera

Picked up my new 10D today. Technically it's second-hand, but no matter, it's still awesome. The problem with having a large black camera (especially if equipped with a large lens) is that you're automatically supposed to take better pictures for it. Not quite the case: you put a layman who's never driven stick in a Ferrari 360GTC, and chances are he'd make worse track times than if you put him behind the wheel of an Mustang GT (auto).

Gotta learn to walk the walk now...

Friday, February 04, 2005

Go go Gadgets

My new silver iPod mini is charging as I type. I am listening to the tracks I will be downloading on my laptop's MS Media Player on my fancy white earbuds, and I'm eagerly anticipating packing every last meg of my 'pod full of songs. I'm gladly going giddy on a gadget glut. Golly! This weekend, I'm picking up a second-hand Canon EOS 10D with a couple new lenses, which means lots of new pictures coming up! It's such a temporary high, but I gotta love it.

More updates to come...