Monday, November 14, 2005

Frank Miller's Sin City

Skinny little Nancy Callahan. She grew up. She filled out.

Lately, I have not been the most up to date with the newest films. In fact, I've been so behind that I saw Frank Miller's Sin City on DVD for the first time tonight. The film struck quite a nerve on the right side of my brain with its stunning cinematography and poignant use of color. In fact, the character and set design triggered a sudden flash of memory. - several years back I had come across a single panel of Frank Miller's work - copied without reference - on the Internet, and the style piqued my interest so much that I had to break out my book for a quick sketch (captured above). I quickly went upstairs after finishing the movie and flipped through a couple of sketchbooks to find the doodle I put together. At the time I found the original, I had no idea who Frank Miller was nor had I ever read through any of his comics. Needless to say, I will go by Barnes and Noble tomorrow to check out the "graphic novel" section.

If you look closely, you'll notice that for this particular sketch, I didn't have my favorite #3B pencil available so I had to make a very rare use of a black ballpoint pen. I feel somewhat compelled to give it another go, but I think that pencil sketches don't do Frank Miller's heavy use of ink washes nearly the justice he deserves. I'll post up a finished drawing if I ever get one done with my tablet.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Another missed opportunity

Remember a few posts back I had been complaining about how I was working in one of the highest celebrity per capita areas of the world and have not seen a single celebrity in nearly a year? Well, I missed another opportunity today - coming back from lunch about 3 of my co-workers all spotted Kelly Osbourne (admittedly, a b-list celebrity), while my attention was turned elsewhere.


Monday, November 07, 2005


One of my favorite activities as a young boy was to take things apart and to put them back together again. Worked great with LEGO, not so good with alarm clocks and worms. This week, it continues anew with my motorcycle. My list of things to do include replacing the instrument cluster and replacing the handlebar. The easy part was removing the fairing, which took me all of 2 hours to do. Unfortunately, the screw holding the bar end on the handlebar is totally stripped down, so there will be much drilling and gnashing of teeth to come later this week. I've already committed about 3 hours this past weekend installing new lights - incidentally, I spent a lot of time splicing wires together, only to find out this evening I had to cut them apart to get the fairing off. :(

There is no interesting personal anecdote here this, I just had to vent how I need to spend another fricking 2+ hours to drill the bar end off. Could be worse though, grinding my fenders on my car to make my aftermarket xenon headlamps fit took well over 10 hours total.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Back in town

Hey, all my peeps down in TO, I'll be back in the hood in December! I'm arriving Saturday the 10th and leaving Sunday the 18th. The main purpose of my trip is to renew my TN visa, which hopefully will be very smooth, otherwise I will be back in town for a Very Long Time!

Cheers y'all!