Frank Miller's Sin City
Lately, I have not been the most up to date with the newest films. In fact, I've been so behind that I saw Frank Miller's Sin City on DVD for the first time tonight. The film struck quite a nerve on the right side of my brain with its stunning cinematography and poignant use of color. In fact, the character and set design triggered a sudden flash of memory. - several years back I had come across a single panel of Frank Miller's work - copied without reference - on the Internet, and the style piqued my interest so much that I had to break out my book for a quick sketch (captured above). I quickly went upstairs after finishing the movie and flipped through a couple of sketchbooks to find the doodle I put together. At the time I found the original, I had no idea who Frank Miller was nor had I ever read through any of his comics. Needless to say, I will go by Barnes and Noble tomorrow to check out the "graphic novel" section.
If you look closely, you'll notice that for this particular sketch, I didn't have my favorite #3B pencil available so I had to make a very rare use of a black ballpoint pen. I feel somewhat compelled to give it another go, but I think that pencil sketches don't do Frank Miller's heavy use of ink washes nearly the justice he deserves. I'll post up a finished drawing if I ever get one done with my tablet.
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