Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Follow the link and read the title

I'm sorry for posting this, but I absolutely loved the title of this one. Quite honestly, short of joining Al-Qaeda, nothing Paris Hilton does these days is really all that newsworthy.

The Superficial gives me an ounce of mirth daily.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Pray for Mojo

I just had such a wonderful night. On the way home for dinner, I had a wave of nausea hit so bad I had to pull over by the side of the street to throw up. It was just about the first time I've ever experienced the thought "am I gonna make it?" as a driver. Good thing there were no cops around to give me a hard time - it would have a pretty interesting way to get out of being taken in for DUI: "Officer, I have the stomach flu, really!". After I got home I was essentially sleeping next to the toilet, as I spent the entire night either bringing up projectile vomit or explosive diahrrea. I did, however manage to get up at a record time this morning - 6am, a new personal record on a weekday. Anyway, here's hoping I don't infect anyone else.

PS, extra points if you can identify the source of the title.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Too cool.


You sketch something on a digital whiteboard, and the site sends it to an anonymous stranger, as well as getting one in return! How cool is that?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I didn't wear a tie today

I was both busy and tired at the office today... busy from actual work, and tired from staying up way too late last night trying to learn to play a new song on my guitar - Freshmen by Verve Pipe. So, for the first time in months, I didn't wear a tie the whole day at work.

I'm such a rebel.

Friday, February 03, 2006

New Gear

I'm celebrating my new lowered rent by buying a new lens for my camera. It's a Sigma 10-20 mm ultra-wide zoom lens. I'll be getting it shipped by Wednesday so hopefully I can post some photos by next weekend.