Dropped the sucker

I had a wonderful ride Sunday, out for two whole hours riding up and down the Pacific Coast Highway, followed by a blast down Topanga canyon - the Mecca of motorcyclists. Not a single incident, complete control the whole time. Then this morning, on my commute to work, I get cut off by a middle-aged woman in a BMW: I grab a handful of brake (stupid move), lock the front tire, and lay 'er down.
Total damage:
- Scuffs on muffler
- Bent right handlebar (clipons)
- Smashed right turn signal
- Total repair costs: $50 + labor
- Bruised ego
- (Re)sprained wrist
- Cut on left hand from picking up the shattered turn signal and flinging it
- Total repair costs: $priceless.
At least my gear worked.
OMG, I'm glad to hear you're all in one piece!!! [hug]
Thanks. Though I swear, if I see that woman again I will punch off her mirror, if not worse. (This kind of rage is why I don't get a gun)
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