Thursday, July 14, 2005

Sure, they're cute when they're little, but...

My dog Wookie got real big in my absence (I realize that the official spelling in Lucas-land is Wookiee, but like the superfluous apostrophe in "D'oh", my internal spell-check forces me to omit the extra "e"). When she was just a puppy, she looked just like a teddy bear:

Now, by some miracle of dog-evolution, she's dropped her ursine features for ones of the lupine persuasion; i.e. she looks like a small wolf. Which is fine, but now she terrifies my mother's neighbors:

Still cute, no?


At 3:32 AM, Blogger Karen said...

Awwww! :) Hello, baby! She still looks sweet. I regret not seeing her when she was itty bitty, though!

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

What kind of dog is she?


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