Talking to strangers
On Friday, I was walking to my car from the local taco store when I passed by a bunch of protesters - apparently they were protesting the bombings in London. Nearby was a man with a camera with a big white lens. Obviously a photojournalist. Seeing as I was getting more into photography recently, I wanted to ask what publication he was shooting for and what type of equipment he carries, but at the last moment I decided it wasn't worth the time and I just walked on by.
As I got to my car and drove towards home I started regretting it more and more. Eventually I got to thinking how many times in my life that I've passed by fascinating discussions and meeting interesting new people. In fact, not being proactive about meeting people, and being generally antisocial is one of my biggest pet peeves with other people (it's also an unfortunate "Asian" stereotype), so it would be rather hypocritical of me to do so myself. So I made a resolution right then and there that, from now on, every day I will attempt to start up a conversation with a complete stranger. The progress is as follows:
- Yesterday, the stranger was a guy at the local motorcycle shop; we discussed merits of various chain sprays, and I learned that MotoGP racing at Laguna Seca was the only race that was held in the USA.
- Today, I was shooting a wedding. I think I must have met like 100 people.
Well, are you allowing yourself to "bank" people? Because if you are, you're 99 people ahead b/c of the wedding. ;)
Hope the wedding went well! (Talking to new people is definitely good for you, in small doses.)
hey i still a small gurl sooo i cant comment
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