W is for wee
Wee as in "wee li'l accomodations", not as in "whee! This suite is huge!" After arriving in NYC we were shocked and dismayed to discover that that our rooms at the W hotel actually fit the size requirements of most airlines' carry-on luggage. I submit the following exhibits for your consideration. Yes, I know that space is at a premium in Manhattan, But for a hotel of that status, you wouldn't expect to be able to change channels with your toes. The bathroom wasn't much better: with a lack of a ventilation fan, each shower was followed with the humidex of the entire room jumping twenty degrees. The little radiator / AC unit in the corner was an arcane device crafted some time during the industrial revolution that gave out bizarre sounds as it warmed up or cooled down. Jeff, my poor co-worker with the room down the hall, had to deal with me at three in the morning (eastern time), as I couldn't sleep due to my heater's clanking and groaning antics. I had to go use his spare bed to get four precious hours of sleep before my presentation the next day.
Restrictive amenities for its conference center didn't help either. For the sin of eating in our conference room during lunch, the firm was fined a thousand dollars per day. Yes, you read that right, a g-bill. I can pretty much assure you that our lunch didn't involve roasting onions on an open-pit barbecue we dug out of the carpeting. God forbid you break the seal on the bottle of water in your room, for seven dollars I would expect the water to have been hand-delivered from a monk-run distillery in Naples.
Disappointing accomodations notwithstanding, we had a real blast in NYC. My west coast friends were exposed to some frigid arctic air for the first time, and got the treat of seeing some real snow fall. We toured downtown and midtown on foot and got to see the WTC site. Some shopping was also in order, and of course, food and drink. We met up with some New York girls and experienced the Gotham City nightlife (hint: it's a lot easier to drink hard if you don't have to drive home after).
Anyway, I'm back in LA again, I've got to work on a baseline to comparare the two cities - there's still a lot of partying to do!
That room is standard size for NYC hehe. I stayed at the Hudson Hotel and the room was probably that size too. For ours, I think we had half a foot of space around the bed and the bathroom was ridiculously small.
But hey, all you do in there is sleep anyways right?
Maybe he was hoping for a little bit more than just sleep from those New York girls. :)
Well you know, when in Rome...
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