Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The ones who get left behind

If you've ever moved, especially since the turn of the century, you will be familiar with the process that takes place to reconnect all your old links. This of course includes your relatives, friends, acquaintances, and assorted contacts that you've built up over the years. They, like yourself, are all connected to each other through a string of symbols, numbers and characters that we enter into our various devices in order to talk, text, or just to send amusing attachments concerning dancing penguins to each other. It's more than just an ad by the local telco, and you know it. If you've done a good enough job, within a few weeks, everyone will be calling and IM'ing you just like before. But there are always those people, the Mr. Y's and Ms. X's of the world, who you may have met at every other party with your significant other, but only know you by your cell phone number, or an old email (abandoned due to spam) address. I assure you, those are the hidden gems in the world wide web of networking.

I realized that whenever you do a move of any magnitude, whether it be changing cell phone numbers or moving home and hearth to another country, there will always be the ones left behind. So I'm going to try my darndest to try to get back in contact with all those who I've missed in the past. And you, your homework assignment for tonight is to go home, and look up one person that you haven't talked to in six months, and CALL, EMAIL, or INSTANT MESSAGE them. Bonus marks if they are now the CEO of a Fortune 500 corporation.

These days though, it's not anywhere near as though as it was in the days of yore. They can always just google you. Especially if you have a blog.


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