Paris Paris
This has got to be some sort of hoax - I hope!
Paris Hilton reportedly engaged to shipping heirOK, let me get this straight, Paris Hilton is going to marry her boyfriend Paris Latsis? Assuming this bizarre betrothal goes the whole nine yards, what would happen if Hilton changed her last name to Latsis? This would mean you would end up with a married couple with the same name!! Imagine the anarchy! What would people call them!?! (Egad!! I have exhausted my entire days' supply of exclamation-points!)LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- Ubiquitous socialite Paris Hilton is engaged to marry her boyfriend of five months, Greek shipping heir Paris Latsis, People magazine reported on its Web site on Monday.
Imagine the scene at the Social Security office:
Paris Hilton: "Hello, I'm here to change my name to Paris Latsis. Here's form 137468991058-A/B"Or at a party:
Social Security Clerk: "One moment..." <typing>
Social Security Clerk: "What the..."
Meanwhile, airplanes fall out of the sky as the malfunction propagates through all federal machines.
Bill Gates: "The seventh seal has been broken. The end is nigh!"
Satan: "I thought that was when the Olsen twins turned 18."
Bill Gates: "..."
Trump: "Hey Paris!"Oh, I can't wait to hear how this one turns out...
Paris L: "Hey, how's it going? Meet my new wife, Paris! Paris, Donald Trump."
Trump: "Paris, a pleasure. Paris has told me so much about you! Have you met my wife Melania? Melania, come meet Paris and Paris."
Melania: "Enchante."
Paris H: "Pleased to meet you."
Trump: "Both Paris and Paris were at my hotel last weekend. Paris enjoyed the new spa I set up but joined up with Paris down in the casino later. Paris, I hear your luck is too good, I'm going to have to ban you from the baccarat table!"
Paris H: "Did you mean me or him?"
Trump: "You know, I have no idea."
Melania: "Paris?Paris?Paris?Paris?Paris?Paris?" <head explodes>
Trump: "Dang, Third time this week."
It is kinda messed up.
I'm sure Nick of the Backstreet Boys is also wondering, what the hell?
I cannot stand Paris Hilton.
She is totally screwed-up.
Why can't she just be rich quietly and not have to dance around half naked on my T.V. screen?
I hate celebrities.
I hope I never become one.
Agreed. I don't think I could spend 20 minutes talking with Paris without wanting to stab her with an ice pick. But I'd bang her. Oh yes, I'd bang her.
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