Sunday, April 03, 2005

Poker night

I played poker with the guys from work a few times in the last month, and I'm off again tomorrow. It's small stakes gaming, but it does give a nice break in the middle of the work week. I must say, my posting has been going down recently due to the studying I've been doing. The combination of nothing interesting happening to me during the week (work, eat, sleep, study) and being busy during the workday sure saps my creative energy. Hopefully I'll get motivated again in the near future.

I've already got a list going of things I want to do following exam day on June 4. It's in a little notebook on my nightstand. So far, this includes:
  1. Work on my golf swing - and get my score under 100
  2. Visit San Francisco and look at the sea lions
  3. Visit San Diego and see the aquarium / zoo
  4. Experience the Mojave Desert in the summer
  5. Do some rock climbing
  6. Learn how to play the guitar
  7. Get my motorcycle license
  8. Learn to sail
  9. Read all the books I've been meaning to read
I'm sure I'm missing a whole bunch here - it's a work in progress.


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